
Wednesday 13 November 2019

On Law

Hi there.

Sorry for the long wait. Law degree has been keeping me occupied 😂

Law is quite mind-blowing... especially contract law. I don't know why, contract law just seems especially on the more complicated side.

I think I'd like to post some study resources here. Would you like that?

Monday 29 October 2018

On Study Skills

Hello there!

It's already at the end of the month, and I feel as if October went by so quickly, what with all the final assignments that needed to be submitted, revising for exams, and of course, final exam.

Yes, I have just finished my final exam of the semester.

Truth be told, I don't feel like I had done as good as I wanted to. Why is that?

Well, I think this is because my study skills still need polishing in many areas, and also I have not fully mastered the skills I need in college. Yes, it's way different than high school.

I have stumbled upon tons of study tips along the way but... the practical part needs improvement HAHA.
However, I have a handful of cool apps for studying that I'd like to share with you. These apps had somewhat helped me with my final exam preparations. (Don't get me wrong, they are super useful. But like I said before, when it comes to the actual application, I am still far behind). I might post this in the near future, so keep an eye out.

So, my plan for this month-long holiday is to improve my study skills.

I have found that I'm good at understanding concepts, but memorizing, not so much. I actually don't really like memorizing so usually I skip that. As a law student, that was a BIG mistake.

This weakness had taught me a lesson in the recent exam. It was a horrible feeling you know, realizing that you understand something but cannot answer the question accurately due to not remembering the hard facts and details.

I'm currently researching the best ways to study that suit me and also the ones that are most effective.

That's all for now.

Later 😀

Related image

Tuesday 11 September 2018

I'm Back...

Hi there!

*coughs* I know... I've been disappearing for the longest time, and... I would like to say that I'm sorry.

As I said before, I moved to a boarding school (a prestigious one, which makes it even a tougher environment to adapt to). As I rarely came home, and if  I do, usually my holidays are filled with homework etc. (let's not forget sleeping in shall we). So, yeah, my schedules were hectic.

I rarely got to read in my first year there, only finished one book the whole year (sad, sad thing) which is waaaay lower than what I usually accomplished. In the next year, which is my senior year, final year of high school, life became even more hectic but luckily I could cope with it better than the previous year.

So, you see... I have been neglecting my hobbies because of my studies. I am fairly convinced that I have lost part of myself, because of that. I don't know.

And now... here I am, at college.

I think I am finally ready to pick up that pen I left back in 2015 again. To pick up the pieces of me that I had let go.

Image result for comics about reading
This used to be me, seriously XD

Saturday 26 December 2015

Reading Progress

It's almost a month (I think) since I got started on Oliver Twist. And now guess where I am? Stuck at pg. 188. Well, the novel is quite a handful. The fact that it is thick is awesome because the story is very intriguing and I am always wondering what will happen to Oliver. To be honest I can't really guess if the boy will get a happy ending or not. When I think of it that way, I actually pant XD. What make me feel exhausted after a chapter or two are the setting and the vocab Dickens used. I'm not very used to that period of England, so some things are very new and I don't know if I had imagined the places correctly. Words such as beadle, charity-boy and whatsoever are soo unfamiliar. Maybe those are the reasons why I don't really enjoy reading some books set in Victorian, Georgian, Elizabethan era. Ahh... the headache LOL

Anyways, in my opininion, classics reccommend by §cholastics that I have read so far are of very high-quality. Original, dazzling, lively and far from nonsense. I have read and came to love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Five Children and It, Hound of the Baskervilles, and Oliver Twist thougb only half-read. They are brilliant and wonderfully-written. I started adoring Anne of Green Gables when the animated series were on a local channel. I have always waited for the school catalogs and browse thoroughly to see if they have any classics and Anne was on there but alas, she's nowhere to be seen. So I downloaded LibriVox and listened to the audiobook. I'm not entirely sure which chapter I am on but I am never bored of the book and will keep on reading (listening?) if time allows. Sadly, school holiday is coming to its end. Based on my public exam result, it's likely that I'll be sent to a boarding school next year, maybe in mid-January or Feb, =/ If I am allowed to bring it to the hostel, I'll try to find a walkman or mp3 player so that I can listen to the lovely voice of the narrator while joining Anne (i'm almost on the chapter where she'll be going to the local school, kinda fitting).

So there are still ten books or so to be read *beams* . I am comforted when I know that my reading stock is at least decent in number so I can just grab a book and enter another realm. Wattpad is sometimes my alternative when my stock is running low, but you know it's different.

Unfortunately, m battery is dying so.. see you another time!

Thursday 10 December 2015

No One Has to Be Fixed, No Introverts Have to

Hi there!

It's already December and as days pass school holiday is coming to its end . . .

So today I'm gonna share a lesson learnt.

What I have learned today is that you should never think of yourself as flawed, or imperfect. When a person or a situation indicates or makes you think that there is something wrong with you in some ways, and you have to be fixed because of those 'flaws', do not believe in them. Who you are, your inner core, there is nothing wrong with it. It's just a part of you, what makes up you. For example, when someone tells you that you are "too emotional" well that means your emotions are intense. And emotions do not comprise of sadness, anger, or other melancholic stuffs only! There are so much more intangible enigmas that you can reach with those heightened senses. And that means you get to experience the colours of life more vividly, which is a great thing.

Another thing is, a few days ago I came across a blog post that elaborated on how the natural traits of introverts are viewed negatively by the world. This couldn't be more true. The silence of introverts make others perceive them as quiet, shy, uncooperative, anti-social, et cetera. Introverts should know that they are not any of those! The silence means  introverts are being thoughtful, are good listeners, they think before they speak, and the last of all is that their heads are full racing thoughts.

Although it's true those are signs of low confidence. Yes, most introverts lack confidence because they are always told there is something wrong with them and they have to be fixed. But it cannot be fixed because it's just a part of them. Initially, they do  speak up but not much, yet a little silence is alarming to others. In the end, the lack of confidence makes it worse for introverts.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Craft Project: Pencil Cases from felt


We worked on a project yesterday evening. My mom and I made pencil cases from felt. The pencil cases are to be exchanged with other participants during my oncoming Girl Guides camp. It was a fun project!


 Some of the finished products

Friday 11 September 2015

A Beginner's two-cents

Hi! This is so exciting! Although I have a few other blogs, but this is actually like, the first time ever, blogging for public view.

So yeah....

Anyway, I don't know how to start. Should I introduce myself or what? :p ahahah

Well, hopefully I will be successfully blogging for at least quite some time.

That's all for now.